Owning a hi-tech device is undoubtedly a big pleasure and joy for most of users. Common mobile phone – a gadget that probably every modern society's member has already got used to. No wander, but the issue is that every piece of technology in our pockets is a bait for a mugger. While smartphones are able to run specialized antivirus and anti-thieft software, notebooks are remaining unprotected basically. Thankfully, Intel has fixed the problem and they will present the salvation scheduled on the summer '09. What they have introduced into a common notebook is a new pack of software that is aimed to protect personal data on a stolen or forgotten notebook, as well a notebook its self. The new Intel technology is called Intel Anti-Theft PC Protection Technology, and I personally thing it will have its future.
You might have probably figured out already what sort of services Intel Anti-Theft PC Protection Technology can provide. First of all, if a laptop gets stolen or forgotten somewhere, to take steps to protect it, the gadget must be equipped with a mobile broadband. Actually Ericsson is currently working very closely with Intel to both: develop the protection service and to make sure that Ericsson Mobile Broadband Modules will be working with it without any collisions. So, this is how the whole thing works: when you want to activate this Intel feature in any case, send then a SMS on a particular number, so it comes on the notebook, interferes with the Protection center and the computer is now blocked and reports its location via GPS. Blocked means that it won't boot until it receives another SMS, confirming that the danger is behind. If it happens so that the lost or stolen laptop was turned on before the blocking SMS was sent, on receiving it, Anti-Theft will delete cryptographic keys so the data on HDD becomes unreadable. It doesn’t say how to recover these key, though, Intel promises it will work. To get a laptop back to normal after blocking, it has to sign in Absolute Monitoring Center successfully.
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